With the change of each season, comes a variety of new health concerns. For us, that means the maddening symptoms of seasonal allergies and the fast approach of the dreaded flu season. But what does the season change bring for our pets? Here are some tips to keep your...
Heartworm Disease: Not Just for Dogs
by Dr. Sarah Proctor, DVM Most dog owners are aware of heartworm disease. Did you know that cats and ferrets can also get it? Let’s talk about how they are alike and how they are different. How do they get it? Mosquitos transmit heartworm disease to dogs, cats, and...
How to Pick the Right Shelter Cat for You
So you’re thinking about getting a shelter cat. Congratulations! Cats are wonderful pets and choosing a homeless animal from the shelter can be such a rewarding feeling. You might be wondering how you’ll know which cat is the right cat for you. Here are some basic...
8 Tips to Protect Your Pets on the Fourth of July
The Fourth of July is one of, if not the, biggest day of the year for pets to go missing. All of the celebratory fireworks are great fun for humans, but for dogs and cats they can be a source of major stress and anxiety. Here are some helpful tips for you to keep your...
Why You Should Never Leave Your Pet in a Hot Car
Thanks to our friends at BMW of Stratham for putting together this important reminder!
Love-a-Bull Insurance Companies
It's no secret that we love dogs here. We have a special soft spot for bully breeds (which include American Bulldogs, American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Bull Mastiffs, Bull Terriers, English Bulldogs, and Boxers, just to name a few...) who...