Pet Dental Health with Dr. Proctor

Bad Breath, Bad Teeth, Bad Disease, Oh My! By: Dr. Sarah Proctor, DVM February is National Pet Dental Health Month! The month is sponsored by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) to bring awareness to the importance of oral care in pets. In this post,...

How to Tell When Your Pet is Freezing

As we experience frigid temperatures across New England, it’s important to keep in mind that our pets are affected by the cold much like we are. Although our furry friends have natural coats, that’s not always enough to keep them safe and comfortable in bone-chilling...

Winter Health Tips for Pets

We’re turning up thermostats, dusting off snow blowers, and breaking out heavy sweaters. Winter is definitely here! Winter in New England can be severely cold, with Nor’easters pummeling us relentlessly. We know that we need heavier jackets and warmer socks to stay...

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