Would some extra cash come in handy right now? If so, keep reading and get prepared to try your luck to win some cold hard cash!
The pandemic has negatively impacted our fundraising by causing us to cancel our two biggest events of the year, the Tails to Trails Dog Walk and the Wine & Beer Tasting and Auction. The safety of our supporters is paramount to us and we did not feel that we could hold these events and ensure social distancing recommendations would be able to be followed. We hope to hold these events again next year!
To help reduce the impact we are holding a 50/50 VIRTUAL Raffle For the Animals. Tickets can be purchased from August 1 through September 6, 2020. The drawing will take place on September 8 at 12 pm on Facebook Live.
$10 for 10 tickets
$25 for 30 tickets
$50 for 75 tickets
$100 for 200 tickets
Our goal is to raise $10,000 so a lucky individual will potentially win $5,000!
Purchase tickets at: https://go.rallyup.com/pmhscv
Thank you for your support of the animals!