Tails to Trails Dog Walk & 5K

Henry Law Park, Dover, NH 9 Henry Law Avenue, Dover, NH, United States

Save the date for our annual Tails to Trails Dog Walk and 5K!! This is one of our biggest and most fun fundraisers of the year so don't miss it! For more information on the event, or to sign up for the 5K or Dog Walk, please visit the event website at tailstotrailsnh.org. If you're […]

Sonny’s Tavern Fundraiser

Sonny's Tavern 328 Central Ave, Dover, NH, United States

Enjoy a delicious night out at Sonny's Tavern in Dover, and help ALL THE ANIMALS at the same time! Just dine at Sonny's between 4-10pm on June 13th and TELL YOUR SERVER that you're there for the Cocheco Valley Humane Society fundraiser. (Seriously! If you don't tell them, we won't get the $$). That's all […]

Pints for Pups at Smuttynose

Smuttynose Brewing Co 105 Towle Farm Road, Hampton, NH, United States

It's happy hour from 6-8pm for you and your four-legged friends! Join us at Smuttynose Brewing Co. on August 29th and help support the rescue animals of Pope Memorial Humane Society! Raise a pint to help find loving homes for our rescue dogs.

CVHS Paint Party Fundraiser

Cochecho Country Club 145 Gulf Road, Dover, NH, United States

Join JJArtworks at the Cocheco Country Club on Saturday, August 29th from 7-9pm for a fun night out to benefit Cocheco Valley Humane Society. $15 from every ticket will be donated to CVHS as well as 25% of anything sold at the JJArtworks merch table that night.  Guests are encouraged to paint other animals at the […]


Dover Dog Howloween

Sit. Stay. Smile. 24 Chestnut Street, Dover, NH, United States

Dover Dog Howloween is a community celebration and gathering of dog lovers and owners dressed in family-friendly costumes with their canines. This unique event is the first of its kind in the downtown Dover area. Anticipated attendance is 1,000 people. Dogs and their people will meet at Sit.Stay.Smile. Pet Photography’s parking lot located at 24 Chestnut Street […]

Wag, Swag, and Giving

Cochecho Country Club 145 Gulf Road, Dover, NH, United States

Our second annual Wag, Swag, and Giving Beer and Wine Tasting event is back! Join us for a fun-filled night of beer and wine tastings from local breweries and distributors, heavy hors d'oeuvres, live and silent auctions, and a cash bar. Get your tickets before they sell out!


Share the Love at Nerdy Girl Fitness

Nerdy Girl Fitness 115 Industrial Park Drive, Suite B, Dover, NH, United States

Join Nerdy Girl Fitness for their 2nd Annual "Share the Love" - a charity workout and donation drive for the animals at Pope Memorial Humane Society. For the entire week between 2/10 and 2/14, you may drop off a donation item for PMHS or do a workout at Nerdy Girl Fitness at any session time […]

Northeast Credit Union – Love Your Community Awards

Please help us win $500 to $5,000 in the Northeast Credit Union Love Your Community Awards Voting Campaign. There is only ONE vote per person throughout the entire campaign. Voting will take place between July 15th - July 31st, 2020 at THELYC.COM. Scroll down and you will find our logo as the first one in the […]

Rabies and Microchip Drive -Thru Clinic For Dogs Only

Pope Memorial Humane Society 221 County Farm Road, Dover, NH, United States

July 25, 2020 9 AM - 11 AM! This time we will be offering microchips as well! Rabies vaccinations $20 Microchips $25 To keep everyone safe, we are still making this a minimal-contact event. Please read carefully for full instructions - • Dogs only • Rabies vaccinations and microchips only • All persons must stay […]


Paint Night to Benefit PMHS

Cochecho Country Club 145 Gulf Road, Dover, NH, United States

Get in touch with your artistic side and support our furry friends at a Paint Night Fundraiser August 29th at 7:00 pm! Hosted at Cochecho Country Club,145 Gulf Road, Dover, NH. The event will feature a fun painting lesson taught by JJ Artworks, light refreshments, and a cash bar. We will be painting "Afterglow" as […]


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