As the holiday season comes to a close, we look towards the fresh start of a new year. Millions of people take this opportunity to set goals to improve their lives during the coming year. Here’s why volunteering should be at the top of your New Year’s resolution list...
Pets Are Not Presents
Adorable animals wrapped in a big, red holiday bow. Children crying with joy when they open a box with their new cuddly companion. We see these cliché images displayed everywhere this time of year. Despite what these cheerful depictions suggest, pets should not be...
Winter Health Tips for Pets
We’re turning up thermostats, dusting off snow blowers, and breaking out heavy sweaters. Winter is definitely here! Winter in New England can be severely cold, with Nor’easters pummeling us relentlessly. We know that we need heavier jackets and warmer socks to stay...
New Building FAQs: What’s taking so long?
It’s been nearly five months since we broke ground on the Pope Memorial Cocheco Valley Humane Society building site. The ground breaking ceremony was highly anticipated by staff and community members alike, as it symbolized concrete progress towards our goal of moving...
Why You Should Adopt a Senior Pet
Senior animals are often overlooked by visitors at the shelter. Potential adopters are usually looking for younger pets to take home, and quickly pass by the graying fur of older animals. There are many misconceptions surrounding senior pets in shelters. People...
The Future of Animal Shelters
Animal shelters are changing. As the number of pets adopted from shelters goes up, animal intake numbers go down, and euthanasia rates decrease, the duties of the animal shelter begin to shift. With successful spay and neuter programs taking place all over the...
Best Pet Halloween Costumes for 2018
What do you think of when you hear the word “Halloween”? Candy? Pumpkins? Haunted houses? For many of us, the first thing we think of is COSTUMES! Halloween is the one time of year when you’re allowed, even encouraged, to dress up, no matter your age. But why should...
Bigger Isn’t Always Better: Adopting a Small Animal
Adopting a pet can be daunting, and there are many questions when deciding what kind of pet is right for you and your family. Am I going to be able to provide the right environment for this pet? Will I enjoy having this kind of pet? Does my lifestyle fit the needs of...
The Truth About Pit Bulls
There’s no doubt about it, Pitties have gotten a bad reputation in our society. They are mislabeled as highly aggressive, dangerous dogs. The truth is, the exact opposite is almost always the case. In honor of Pit Bull Awareness Month, we’re de-bunking some popular...
7 Reasons to Adopt a Shelter Dog
We know you’re faced with many options when considering the addition of a new four-legged family member. You can find countless adorable, puppy-eyed faces that will pull on your heartstrings in pet stores, at breeders, and even on Craigslist. However, the best options...
Fall Health Tips for Pets
With the change of each season, comes a variety of new health concerns. For us, that means the maddening symptoms of seasonal allergies and the fast approach of the dreaded flu season. But what does the season change bring for our pets? Here are some tips to keep your...
Heartworm Disease: Not Just for Dogs
by Dr. Sarah Proctor, DVM Most dog owners are aware of heartworm disease. Did you know that cats and ferrets can also get it? Let’s talk about how they are alike and how they are different. How do they get it? Mosquitos transmit heartworm disease to dogs, cats, and...