
Animal Shelter Groundbreaking Nears

Animal Shelter Groundbreaking Nears

From Fosters Daily Democrat: DOVER — Cocheco Valley Humane Society is getting ready for the June 21 groundbreaking on its new facility, which will be located on County Farm Road not far from the old building. The event is a long time coming. Currently, CVHS is located...

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Top Ten Reasons to Give During #NHGives

Top Ten Reasons to Give During #NHGives

NH Gives begins tomorrow at 6pm, and we are asking you to help us reach our goal of raising $10,000 from 50 unique donors! We've put together this list of the top 10 reasons to participate during the NH Gives campaign: It's fun. Give to your favorite organizations and...

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Kindness for Kaine

Kindness for Kaine

On July 6th, 2017 a malnourished, bald, itchy pup by the name of Kaine walked through our shelter doors for the first time. Even though his skin was raw, red, and uncomfortable, Kaine was an exuberant and happy boy. Kaine was originally brought to us because his owner...

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Wrapping up another successful Tails to Trails Dog Walk

Wrapping up another successful Tails to Trails Dog Walk

It was a great, if super wet, day down at Henry Law Park yesterday for our 24th annual Tails to Trails Dog Walk! Check out the great write-up about it from the front page of The Foster's! We want to take a moment to thank everyone who made the day possible. First and...

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Love-a-Bull Insurance Companies

Love-a-Bull Insurance Companies

It's no secret that we love dogs here. We have a special soft spot for bully breeds (which include American Bulldogs, American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Bull Mastiffs, Bull Terriers, English Bulldogs, and Boxers, just to name a few...) who...

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5 Fun Ways to Celebrate National Pet Day

5 Fun Ways to Celebrate National Pet Day

Those furry, scaly, and feathered little goofballs sure do bring joy into our lives, don't they? We hope you're giving your critters lots of extra love today! If you're looking for a fun way to celebrate, we've got a few suggestions: Teach an old dog a new trick. Your...

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Bring Us Home: Capital Campaign Update

Bring Us Home: Capital Campaign Update

CVHS is pleased to announce that longtime philanthropist Lyman Pope, Jr. has pledged $1 million over the next 4 years for the construction of CVHS’s new 11,000 sq./ft. facility in Dover, NH.  With his gift, 80% percent of the funding for the facility is now secured...

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